Trans Oceanic Meat Co Ltd
Oceanic House, 45 Sidcup Hill
Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6HJ
Tel: 0208 302 2544 Fax: 0208 309 0249

On-Line Credit Application

Legal Entity Name:

Trading As:
Post Code:


Contact Name:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:

Company Details

Vat Registration:
Company Registration No:


Payment Terms: NETT CASH 28 DAYS.....Please Confirm....
Payment Method: Direct Debit BACS Cheque
Contact Name in Accounts/Purchase Ledger

Bank Details:

Bank Name:
Bank Account Number:
Bank Sort Code:

Applicants confirmation to conduct trading within our Credit Terms as stated above

If a Limited Company please include a copy of your Company Headed Paper or Invoice

or if a Sole Trader a copy of your Passport or Driving Licence

Signature of Applicant .......................................................................................................... Date ...........................

Position .....................................